Last Updated: 2024-09-07 ICDT / Home

Hello! My name is Iced Tea, or just ICDT for short. If you know me in real life, congradulations for stalking. I enjoy making these types of websites, I've been doing it since I was 10. Wlthough I have little experience with JS, I think this website turned out pretty well!

Adittionaly, I would like to give a huge thanks to osk for the inspiration for this websit. I also stole some of their css, so sorry about that in advance. You can check them out by going to their website at osk.sh. Again, sorry for stealing your CSS...

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Anyways, if you would like to use my color palette, feel free to do so! no credit required. You can find it by visiting my palette page up at the top. Also I have some nice wallpapers that I made, and you can use them as well! If you would like to contact me, you can find my socials in the links section.

My old-web button ICDT / Home

Long ago, websites used to have buttons. These buttons were 88x31 pixel advertizements that attempted to get a click out of the user. Despite being advertizements they had lots of personality, and helped connect people across the decentralized inter-webs. Now, the only symbolance of this era is neocities. In order to keep this custom alive, I have created my own button. If you would like to put it on your website, just copy it from below!

icd-t website button
icd-t website button

Download my button by clicking here: Download